Each summer and autumn we pack our bags and head for a weekend in the countryside. Weekend away is a time to have fun, eat good food, enjoy a bit of fresh air, and dive into the Bible - all while building lasting relationships.

About the Weekend - Coming Up Next

Our next weekend away will be 6-8 June 2025 at Frontier Centre in Northamptonshire.

Reserve your spot! Register today!

Sign Up for summer 2025


Would it really be a weekend in the countryside if there wasn't a walk? Every weekend away we prioritise a country walk - mud or no mud! We feel that if you're able, it's a great time to deepen friendships while taking in a bit of fresh air.


We tend to find several sports enthusiasts show up on the weekend! You can usually find a game of rugby, football, or crocker. Pack your trainers!


We have a few talks over the weekend where we dive deep into a topic or passage. Recently, we spent a weekend thinking together about Sabbath rest. We feel diving into topics like this can really help us understand them better as a church.

Family Friendly

Our weekends are family friendly! There are room options for families to stay together. We also strive to have plenty of activities to keep little ones having fun!


If you're not one for sports, there's usually a craft or games happening on site. Let the creativity and competition commence!


From Friday dinner through Sunday lunch, your meals - and snacks! - are covered. We typically feast on classic English homestyle cooking and do our best to make sure there's something for everyone. We tend to sneak in a tea and coffee break every few hours as well! You'll have your fill!

Sign Up

Our next weekend away will be 6-8 June 2025 at Frontier Centre in Northamptonshire. Reserve your spot! Register early!

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