Saved to serve

'Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me.' - Colossians 1:28-29


What is Saved to Serve?

Saved to Serve is a year-long learning community designed to help you become more like Jesus as you explore what he says & do what he did, alongside other brothers and sisters who are doing the same. We believe God wants all of his people involved in building up his church. There are two emphases throughout the year:


  1. To strengthen your foundations in the faith once for all delivered to God’s holy people (Jude 1:3) by providing both an active learning environment that’s designed to deepen your love for God and opportunities to foster deep connection to others who are on the same journey.
  2. To help you build a life that accords with those foundational truths and convictions as we put them into practice both in the normal day-to-day life that God has given us and through some communal rhythms with God’s people here at Trinity (and beyond!)


The central element of Saved to Serve is a weekly meeting on Sundays, after the worship service. Here, through a mix of teaching and discussion, participants will be able to ‘deep dive’ into topics with others and wrestle through the implications for our minds, thoughts, hearts, behaviour, rhythms and relationships - in other words, every area of our lives! Outside of this meeting, there will also be hands-on opportunities to continue to both explore the content and to begin to live it out.


Who is Saved to Serve for?

Do you feel you have plateaued in your Christian walk? Do you have a hunger to go deeper? To get clarity on things that Jesus calls us to believe and do? To gain experience helping others do the same? If you resonate with these questions, then Saved to Serve is for you!



  • To foster growth and relationships, we want to create a very immersive experience. To get the most out of it, your attendance is expected at all weekly meetings, events and activities. We understand there must sometimes be exceptions, but please prayerfully consider whether you could commit in this way.
  • All participants to serve in one area of ministry at Trinity throughout the year - for example Welcome Team, AV, Hospitality or Community group leader.
  • There will be reasonable reading and assignments which we expect all attendants to complete. Again there will be odd exceptions but those should be rare.
  • In the summer we are asking participants to attend a summer camp or a missions trip as a part of the program.
  • We will try to keep costs down as much as possible but we would anticipate this costing you around £200-300 over the year for all the resources and activities involved.

Next steps

Firstly, please read the above carefully and pray about it. If you would then like further information, please contact Michael Walker below.
Email Michael

Application Form