We strive to be


At Trinity Church Central London, one of our core values is Character Formation: growth in character to become deeply mature disciples of Jesus. We strive to be deeply discipled and to disciple one another. Therefore, aside from our regular church meetings at Sunday services and Community Groups, we offer the following:


Close friendships with real accountability and personal growth.

We believe a crucial way of growing as a Christian is through deep relationships with our brothers and sisters. We try to encourage everyone who comes to our church regularly to meet another person on a weekly or fortnightly basis. Usually people will meet for 1–2 hours, work through a book in the Bible or a Christian book, discuss how they are getting on as a Christian, and pray together. Over time, we pray these relationships build close friendships with real accountability about the joys and struggles of each person’s life as a Christian and growth together as followers of Jesus.


Discipleship group

A safe community where members can be known, loved, and care for one another.

Aside from one-to-ones we also offer small discipleship groups. These are groups of 3-5 people who are hungry to grow in their love of the Lord Jesus and are committed to regular attendance. Each group has a leader who has a heart to develop a safe community where members can be known, loved, and care for one another. This community helps one another know God through His word, grow in Christ-likeness, and become equipped to invest in others.

Learn more

Do you desire to be deeply discipled? Contact us to learn more about a one-to-one or discipleship group.